Self-published online **(2003).  Download full article or view at (profile required).

Author: Michelle Kathryn McGee


A non-linear, behavior-based physical model that integrates divergent physical phenomena is directly derivable from a novel view of cosmological energy density and pressure.  A process is hypothesized for the formation of matter in which dark and ordinary matter and energy exist not as discrete, static cosmological states but as changeable, complementary cosmological states.  The resulting model also suggests that half of matter originates from light; that electrons are not particles but are reflections of symmetries and exchanges that occur naturally given material structure; that gravity and heat are byproducts of the formation of matter and together create a physical context for changeability; and that the infused nature of mass and energy is due to the simultaneous manifestation of redundant and novel behaviors in physical systems. The concept of particle is redefined, the force-based atomic model is replaced, ordinary matter is reexamined in a dynamic scaling context, and heat and gravity are meaningfully integrated into the manifestation of substance in the universe.





By treating natural, perceptible phenomena as a window into the imperceptible smallness that underlies all existence, the concept of scaling is applied directly to theory development. From this approach emerges a novel view of physical and cosmological structure.

Energy Density and Pressure: More than a backdrop

a cascade of non-linear, physical behaviors arise from the original qualities known to us generally as cosmological energy density and pressure and … these behaviors precipitate physical structure within the known universe. According to this model, an irreducible coherence exists that accounts for the complex variation of physical and cosmological structure through an array of modes of expression of its core relationship.

Quasi-Particulate Behavior and Uncertainty

all particles are “quasi” in their manifestation because of the fuzzy action of adaptability and the dissociative capacity of form. There is no such thing as a perfectly persistent particle or a particle that is so transitional that its resolution has no physical consequence.