Figures below and much more available for purchase now – The Science of Representational Reality: OKIC content library

CC BY 4.0. Attribution: original creation by Michelle McGee @ma-mcgee, 2023

“Universal Heart”, ma-McGee, 2023

“Universal Heart”, ma-McGee, 2023

Universal Heart

Timeless Associative Sense-Making through Integrative Memory Functions, such as through Communication, Math, Art

Memory Crystal

Embedding through Time-Imprinted Focus, Representation, and Change

“Memory Crystal”, , ma-McGee, 2023

“Memory Crystal”, , ma-McGee, 2023

“Outer Kaleidoscope, Inner Compass,” , ma-McGee, 2023

“Outer Kaleidoscope, Inner Compass,” , ma-McGee, 2023

Outer Kaleidoscope, Inner Compass (OKIC)

Available Now! The Science of Representational Reality: OKIC

The Mysterioscope

Enhancing Perceptual and Representational Scope

“Mysterioscope”, , ma-McGee, 2022

“Mysterioscope”, , ma-McGee, 2022

90+ figure collection (and essays) available for purchase now The Science of Representational Reality: OKIC content library